When Rural and Urban Collide with Dr. Martin Giese Part 2
Pastor and Dr. Martin Giese has spent 40 years in rural pastoral ministry, and has served the last...
Rural Resource: Flyover Church by Brad Roth Part 1
This week and the next we will be discussing the book Flyover Church by Brad Roth. This book is yet another insightful take on rural...
Rural Mindsets: The Good, the Bad, and the Godly part 3 with Gerad Strong
Gerad Strong was raised rural, has pastored rural churches, planted rural churches, and now helps other pastors do the same. Join us as we...
Rural Mindsets: The Good, the Bad, and the Godly, part 2 with Kevin Geer
Pastor Kevin Geer was raised in a small town and now pastors a church intent on planting churches...