Rural Interviews

Stories and life lessons told second-hand from rural people in rural places.

Discipleship, Gideon, and a Rural Kansas Church

Ministry Insights, Rural Interviews

Replace the torches with weekly meetings, accountability partners, and biblical devotions.
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Chi Alpha Students Launching Ministry in Rural West Texas Communities

Rural Interviews

What if students started finding jobs in small, unlikely places?...

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A Humble Pastor, an Incredible God, and Principles of Multiplication

Rural Interviews

“My house will be a place where people gather to know about God.”...

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A High Calling: Interview with Bryan Jarrett

Rural Interviews

By Joe Epley Unassuming. Overlooked. Unimportant. Disinteresting. At times, rural communities ...

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Preaching That Endures

Rural Interviews

Cecil described how he worked hard to come up with sermons Sunday after Sunday, only to find ...

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Overcoming Burnout: “No Matter What You do, or How Hard You Try, You Cannot Make a Difference.”

Rural Interviews

Covid-19 has pushed leaders to the breaking point. Many leaders feel as if the burden rests on thei…
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The Forgotten Cotton of North America

Rural Interviews

Deep in rural America lies towns labeled “forgotten,” and “overlooked”......

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God is Still Moving in Minnesota’s Ring of Fire

Rural Interviews

“Ring of Fire”: where God’s Spirit is doing amazing things....

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From Planted Seeds to Flourishing Fruit

Rural Interviews

Preparing the ground for fruitful ministry....

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What if Your Blessings Come Through Forks?

Rural Interviews

“What are we going to do with hundreds of thousands of plastic forks?”...

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Threads of Hope

Rural Interviews

How one creative rural church impacted their entire community.
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Pastoring in The Midst of Illness

Rural Interviews

Three keys for leading in the midst of crisis from a rural pastor that fought kidney disease ...

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When God’s Plan Is Not Your Own…

Rural Interviews

Jon Sanders thought he had mapped out his life and assumed he had settled into a life-long ...

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Dennis Parillo: A Cruise Ship Musician’s Testimony…

Rural Interviews

A firsthand story of how God used one man’s skills as an “instrument” for His glory ...

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From Headlining Musicians to Rural Tennessee Pastors

Rural Interviews

Who would have guessed the same couple that stood on major cruise ship stages every evening as ...

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Miracle upon Miracle, Grace upon Grace…

Rural Interviews

Randy and Lisa Parr could tell testimony after testimony of God’s faithfulness…
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Dwight Dozier Began Thinking About a Partnership For a Church Plant…

Rural Interviews

Having served in ministry for over 40 years, most Americans view this season of life as the ...

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Poured Out

Rural Interviews

The decade of faithful ministry Richardson gave to Licking, Missouri created kingdom impact ...

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