

Church Dynamics, a series of one day regional events for church leaders, invites pastors, along with 6-12 leaders from each church, for adult-based experiential learning. These events integrate application for Pentecostal, contextualized church multiplication. The interactive discussion and activities provide a positive atmosphere for learning and healthy growth. Church leaders who apply these principles often experience church growth from 20% or more each year. 


Goal: Rural Churches Reaching their Communities as Jesus Commanded in Acts 1:8

• those close–family and neighbors

• those near–neighboring communities

• those far–the nations

Setting: Discussion with Experiential Learning 

The Church Dynamics methods create an atmosphere for contemplation, discussion, and application; awakening shared participant enthusiasm, focusing on directed activities that challenge personal experiences, and encourage spiritual engagement for the local church.,


Why do we need to multiply and mobilize church ministries?

A growing number of people moving to rural communities increases the need for rural churches to provide redemptive communities that reach the lost.  Almost 60 million live in 3.8 million square miles in America. Further, the world needs missionaries sent from the rural church to share the gospel message to the hurting, near and far without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 

Jesus calls every believer to become involved in multiplying the church.  Rural communities need an army of men and women, young and old, from every cultural background, who love them, and bring the joy filled gospel for transformation. Today, researchers say the number of people becoming ‘nones’ is the fastest growing religious group in America. Together, we can become part of a movement that changes that trajectory. 



How can this be accomplished?

1. Upward Focus: Embrace spiritual as we embrace the Lord and pray for the lost and for the Lord of the harvest to send labors. 

2. Outward Focus: Employ active involvement in the lives community people demonstrating in word and deed Jesus love for them.

3.  Inward Focus: Engage the church organizationally for each person to accomplish God’s created design in their life.

4. Forward Focus: Expand the outreach of the church from generation to generation, to surrounding communities and to the world.

Pentecostal educator and author Gary Tyra in The Holy Spirit in Mission wrote, “Local church leaders can encourage church members to routinely gather for prayer with other like-minded believers eager to experience ongoing empowerment from the Holy Spirit to live missionally faithful lives for Christ.”   

To schedule or participate in a Church Dynamics event in your area, email: dwight@ruraladvancement.com.

Church Dynamic leaders... Click here for the latest

30/60/90 Goal:

Three events a year significant outreach events per year: 

  • Praying for three people for the first 30 days
  • Praying and building relationships with three people for the second 30 days 
  • Praying, building relationships, and inviting three people the third 30 days

Experiential learning components: 

  1. Jesus loved the rural communities
  2. First steps for multiplication
  • God is the author of transformation: prayer in the Spirit is key
  • Believers invite people when preparations accommodate their reservations.
  • Planting precedes harvest.
  • Inviting people to church provides an opportunity to know God and become part of a redemptive community of faith.

Goal: One hour of corporate prophetic prayer for every 10 people in the church. Experiential learning components:

  1. Personal Pentecost
  2. Church Pentecost
  3. Maintaining Fervency
  4. Spiritual Commenary Influence: practicing prophetic prayer

Goal: 3-4 Annual Big Days: Church as individuals, and as a congregation develop a contextualized message in Big Days. A growth goal of 10-15%. 

Experiential learning components:

  1. Community Culture
  2. Individual Values
  3. Loving the Body
  4. Loving the Lost

Goal: 10% Add one new different leader for every ten people

Experiential learning components:

  1. Rural leaders have someone who follows them. (If no one reports to them they do not

count in the numbers.)

  1. Rural leadership recruiting
  2. Developing leaders
  3. Every leader multiplying

Goal: 30% active involvement; three unique volunteers for every ten people who attend church,—in addition to the leaders (totaling 40% involvement).

Experiential learning components:

  1. The importance of volunteers
  2. Preparing for multiplication
  3. Advancing the church
  4. Blessing volunteers

Goal: Assimilate 20-30 percent

 Experiential learning components:

  1. Track guests
  2. Cooperate with what God accomplishes
  3. Developing relational systems
  4. Creating new opportunities

Goal: send 3% a year to the harvest field, forward goals

Experiential learning components:

  1. Prayer
  2. Discipleship
  3. Preparation
  4. Sending


Goal: Finances prepared to bless others; 10-15% annual increase

Experiential learning components:

  1. God’s financial plan
  2. Finances vison
  3. Kingdom investments

Goal: Preaching that multiplies and mobilizes leaders

Experiential learning components:

  1. Preaching like Jesus
  2. Preaching like Acts
  3. Preaching today for Biblical results
    1. relationships in preaching
    2. sermon structure (intro, biblical content, application, response)
    3. Expectations

Goal: Church that demonstrates the power of the Spirit with declaration of the Gospel

Experiential learning components:

  1. What should we expect?
  2. How should we prepare?
  3. Who should be included?
  4. Applying Acts pattern

Goal: Prayer partnerships that transform

Experiential learning components:

  1. Praying Scripture
  2. Praying in the Spirit
  3. Results

Goal: Effective multiplication of the gospel message

Experiential learning components:

1. Tools connecting the church to the community and the body

2. Tools assisting in declaration

Assuring strategy is not abstract but accomplishes the outcomes. 

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