Championing the Rural Church with Rich Greenwald
Rich Greenwald is a long time rural pastor and the director of Rural America Ministries Network. Join us today as we discuss the journey of...
Tall Tales of the Rural Church: The Great Turkey Massacre
Join us for a new segment that we will release occasionally examining a simple question: What is one of the strangest things you have ever...
Women in Ministry Part 1 with Rebecca Thomas
Join us today for the first half of a conversation with Pastor Rebecca Thomas on women in ministry...
Rural Advancement: Year in Review
Join host Joe Epley as he discusses where we’ve been for 2022, what we’ve learned so far, and where we plan on going with the...
Obedience to God’s Call with Troy and Brenda Renter
Join pastors Troy and Brenda Renter as they discuss their varied ministry career, going from large churches to small ones and the lessons...
Embracing the Process with Paul Richardson
Pastor Paul Richardson talks about embracing the process of discipleship. Leadership, conviction,...
Discipleship Part 4: Miracles in the Marketplace with Steve Donaldson
Join us today as we hear insights from Steve Donaldson, founder of Rural Compassion. He shares about how to instill creativity in the rural...
Discipleship Part 3: Lessons on Community with Neil Oravsky
Neil Oravsky has recently completed his masters degree through Trinity Bible College and Graduate School on the subject of spiritual...
Discipleship part 2: Holy Spirit Empowered Discipleship with Alton Garrison file | …
Ministerial Succession And Transition In Rural Churches: Challenges and Opportunities
Rural churches would benefit from well-developed transition plans and discussions among their leade…
Population Decline in Rural America: A Case for Continued Church Planting and Ministry Investment
Read the Academic Article Written by Dwight D. Dozier This study researched the feasibility of church planting and ministry investment in...
Navigating the Unknown: From the Directors
How do Christ followers navigate the dark paths of the unknown? What should guide our response to t…
Rural Multisite in South Dakota: A Celebration of Change
Some rural pastors could not feasibly do multisite church, however, every rural pastor can learn to…
Setting the Atmosphere for the Day of Worship
“Finding a way to reach your audience and knowing your audience is imperative to growing a he…
Church Turnaround in Rural America
A Survey of Rural Pastors Who Led Turnaround after a Season of Plateau or Decline By Paul D. Maunu...
God is Still Moving in Minnesota’s Ring of Fire
“Ring of Fire”: where God’s Spirit is doing amazing things.
Theology of the Call: Acts 26:16-20
Read the Academic Article This paper presents the need to review the theology of God’s call connected to missions and the rural church....
God’s Country: Faith, Hope, and the Future of the Rural Church By Brad Roth
By Rev. Joseph Epley Brad Roth’s 2017 work, God’s Country: Faith, Hope, and the Future of the...
Principles for Rural Youth Ministry Part 2: See a Need, Meet a Need
By Pastor Joe Epley Small towns are a lot like cars. When maintained properly, they can last for years. The trick with cars is to give...
Threads of Hope
How one creative rural church impacted their entire community.
Trends and Strategies for Churches and Ministry in the Sandhills of Rural Nebraska
Read the Academic Article By Ronald L. Masten Partnership on purpose, spiritual fervency, and intentional outreach into the community will...
Pastoring in The Midst of Illness
Three keys for leading in the midst of crisis from a rural pastor that fought kidney disease and ca…
When God’s Plan Is Not Your Own…
Jon Sanders thought he had mapped out his life and assumed he had settled into a life-long career; …
From Headlining Musicians to Rural Tennessee Pastors
Who would have guessed the same couple that stood on major cruise ship stages every evening as head…
Leadership Lessons Learned at A Small Country Church
I once pastored a church that was twice the size of the town it was in. Impressive! 20 people in to…
“Not Your Ordinary Church:” an Extraordinary Church Movement Seeking to Reach an Unordinary Community…